Looking for Alaska by John Green ❥ Book Review

Looking for AlaskaLooking for Alaska by John Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first half of this book was amazing. I loved reading about Miles (Pudge) and Alaska.

As a main character, Miles was just right. I liked how he wanted a change and he just left his old life to pursue this “Great Perhaps” and that he wasn’t afraid to be himself with his new friends or to speak up around them (even if he did it less than I would have liked him to).

Alaska was just the most fascinating character to read about. She was so fun, extremely outgoing, creative, super smart, unique… this list can go on and on. I absolutely loved her obsession with reading (which I totally share) and looked up to her for her amazing quirkiness and weirdness (in the best way). She was so mysterious, but from Miles’ view, I felt like I got to know things about her maybe not everybody sees.

As for the second part of the book. Agh. It was horrible. And not in the way “horrible” usually means, but in the agonizing “I need to know what happened” way. As in, what the heck just happened.
I honestly didn’t even fully accepted what happened till like the end of the book. So yeah.

This book was good. Really good. I honestly really enjoyed it (maybe the first part more than the second), but it wasn’t a five-star book for me. I was honestly expecting a little more for John Green’s acclaimed Looking for Alaska, but it was not by any means bad.
Totally recommended if you like the type of books that make you think. And John Green. And romance. And boarding schools. And fun.

Go read it.

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